Patch Notes for Update 0.2.2 – 8/22/2022

We released Update 0.2.2 yesterday and I wanted to go over some more changes we’ve made!

Since our last patch came out earlier than planned, this patch finishes off things we started in Version 0.2.1. On top of the previous Voyager Mode additions, we’ve now added Wolfe’s Secret Options. Unlike the base Voyager Mode options, these options only serve to increase the challenge of Voyager Mode, further leaning into it’s place as our Customizable Mode. The Secret Options are as follows:

• Added a slider to adjust the rate at which the Space Jump Drive charges. (1% – 100%) [Note from Eos: As of right now, the game is pretty balanced with the rate of the current space jump charge rate. If you adjust this value too high, just don’t expect to get the good ending.]

• Added a slider to adjust the damage the player deals to Enemies. (0% – 100%)

• Added a slider to adjust the damage the player deals to Obstacles. (0% – 100%)

• Added a toggle to prevent respawning.


While we don’t expect many players to use these options to the max challenge, they were very easy to add and make for a much more challenging Voyager Mode to those seeking it.



To follow up making the Jump Drive charge faster in Version 0.2.1, we wanted to reward perfect play and make sub-optimal play more punishing. Rather than decreasing the amount of money players get, we decide to up the cost of repairs. This means that players who play very well will see little change, but reckless players who take a lot of Hull damage will find Lady Styx’s 100 Day time limit more challenging to meet!

This is the last planned small update before we fully dive into implementing the playable tutorial, and I’m glad we could get in these expanded customization options and balance changes!


Finally, there are some miscellaneous bug fixes. You can read the full patch notes here, and we hope you look forward to our next update!

You can also follow us on Twitter and join our Discord for more news and to give feedback! If you wish to play The Chaser’s Voyage, you can buy it while we’re in Early Access on Steam:

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